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What’s the difference between terpenes and terpenoids

terpenes arrowed to Dioxygen chemical formula then arrowed to terpenoids over marijuana plant bg

Terpenes and terpenoids are two types of compounds in almost every plant, including cannabis. They add to cannabis’s flavor and aroma, and have health benefits.

Terpenes and terpenoids have a lot in common, and the biggest difference between them is that terpenoids contain oxygen, while terpenes do not. This may influence how they affect us when we consume cannabis.

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What are terpenes?

Terpenes are compounds made of carbon and hydrogen atoms, and they exist in every plant species. They affect a plant’s smell and taste, attract pollinators, and have properties that protect plants against diseases and infestations.

There are over 20,000 terpenes in nature, and at least 150 terpenes in cannabis. Each cannabis strain has a unique terpene profile, which is why every strain tastes, smells, and affects us differently.

Researchers are exploring how terpenes can benefit our health. Some studies have found that terpenes may enhance the pain-relieving effects of cannabis’s cannabinoids, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Commonly known terpenes

Some terpenes are more prominent in cannabis than others.


Also found in black pepper and hops, beta-caryophyllene brings a spicy note to cannabis. It has anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects, and may reduce brain inflammation related to Alzheimer’s disease.

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Eucalyptol is the main terpene in eucalyptus, and has a strong minty aroma. It may open up the airways, reduce inflammation, and improve focus. Some studies show that eucalyptol could help fight skin cancer.


Limonene makes some cannabis strains taste like citrus. It’s an antioxidant, and anecdotally, many users report that high-limonene strains improve their mood and energy levels.


Linalool is also found in lavender and cilantro. According to studies, it may help with the symptoms of stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, inflammation, and neuropathic pain. Linalool may also improve conditions like depression, anxiety, and insomnia.


Myrcene is a very common cannabis terpene that may help with anxiety and insomnia. Besides cannabis, it’s found in many fruits, and has a sweet and spicy flavor.


Pinene adds a pine-like scent and flavor to cannabis. It’s an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that’s being explored for anticancer properties.

What are terpenoids?

Terpenoids are terpenes that have become oxygenated (combined with oxygen). Like terpenes, they contribute to the smell, flavor, and potential benefits of cannabis. Like terpenes, terpenoids exist in all plant species.

It’s unclear how terpenoids interact with your body compared to terpenes. It’s also unknown whether terpenoids, like terpenes, can enhance certain effects of cannabinoids.

Terpenoids are believed to have health benefits, although more studies are needed. Because terpenoids contain a hydrogen atom, it’s possible that they affect the body differently from terpenes.

Commonly known terpenoids

Some terpenoids are more common in cannabis than others, including:

  • Cubebol
  • Humulene epoxide
  • Linalool oxide
  • Nerolidol
  • Sabinene hydrate

The individual effects of these terpenoids is largely unknown, with the exception of nerolidol. According to animal studies, nerolidol may have:

In summary: Terpenes and terpenoids both play important roles in cannabis

Both terpenes and terpenoids improve our cannabis experience, whether by enhancing the smell and taste of each strain, or by benefiting our health. However, more research is needed to fully understand their effects.

To explore their potential benefits for yourself, consider a medical cannabis card that gives you access to high-quality cannabis products. Leafwell’s healthcare providers can guide you through the application process and help you choose strains that best suit your needs.


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Frequently asked questions

Find answers to FAQs about terpenes and terpenoids.

What are terpenes and terpenoids?

Terpenes and terpenoids are organic compounds found in all plants, including cannabis. Terpenoids are terpenes that have been combined with oxygen.

What do terpenoids do in humans?

Some terpenoids can benefit our health with their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. More research is needed to fully understand how terpenoids affect us.

Are terpenes or terpenoids intoxicating?

No. Neither terpenes nor terpenoids are intoxicating. However, certain terpenes, like myrcene, may cause sedation in high doses.

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